Our Approach
Our History
The South Side Foundation was established in April 1994, by the South Side Alumni Association. The primary purpose is to generate income through creative ideas which provide funding for named and endowment scholarships as well as special project requests.
Each year, the Trustees of the South Side Foundation appeal to the loyalty and generosity of alumni and friends to continue their support of the school, its faculty, and students, through generous donations.
On September 11, 1922, South Side High School opened its doors to the new faculty and students of Fort Wayne. On August 14, 2018, South Side opened its doors again for the ninety-sixth school year to students and faculty of Fort Wayne. In its ninety-six-year history, South Side continues to uphold its tradition of graduating many of the finest young men and women in the country.
In May 2019, the Alumni Association awarded twelve graduates with scholarships totaling $29,000, most recipients of which plan to attend colleges and universities in Indiana. Once again, through the gifts of our donors, the Archer Alumni and South Side High School Foundation have helped create opportunities for a college education for outstanding Archer graduates with these scholarships.
Our Story
Board of Trustees

Blair Phillips • 1997

Judy Hogg • 1961
Alumni Association President

Tim Manges • 1982

Kathy Miller • 1971

CJ Graf • 1982

Gregg Taylor • 1975

Adam Swinford
South Side High School Principal

Lane Ross • 1962

Nancy Mack • 1964

Kirby Volz • 1976